
Program Committee

Anita Przybył

(Soft Skills & Business Relations)
Social skills trainer, graduate in psychology and employee potential management. Participant in many training courses that improving methods of working with people and supporting their development. For several years she was responsible for employee training in an international corporation. Currently a freelancer trainer. She specializes in training in social skills, including communication, team management, team building, motivating, assertiveness, emotional intelligence. She believes that being a qualified specialist is not enough, and highly developed social competences are an indispensable element of the success of people and entire organizations. In her work, she believes that everyone, regardless of their profession and environment, has a chance to develop high social competences.

Bartek Glac

(Cloud Computing)
Web application developer. From the beginning of his career associated with the .NET and JS environment. Passionate about solutions based on cloud computing (in particular Azure). In everyday work, he focuses on working closely with clients to provide solutions that meet their real needs. He gladly shares his knowledge and experience by conducting trainings, workshops and lectures at national conferences. He is also active in the community, organizing meetups and events. Co-founder of the Gruba.IT foundation whose goal is to develop and support the local community.

Dawid Ziółkowski

Almost 10 years of IT experience as Network/System Engineer at the very beginning, DevOps in between, Cloud Native Engineer recently. I have worked at IT Outsourcing company, research institute, telco provider, hosting company and consultancy company so I gathered a lot of knowledge from different perspectives. I contribute to opensource and try to share my expertise by writing articles, organising meetups and giving talks.

Grzegorz Piwowarek

Grzegorz Piwowarek is a independent consultant, a trainer at Bottega IT Minds, a blogger at 4comprehension.com, and an OS contributor. He was professionally involved in projects involving systems integration, image recognition, and highly scalable distributed solutions. Besides playing with JVM internals, he is a retired professional yo-yo player and a guitarist in a progressive metal band – Visions of Tondal

Jakub Gutkowski

Dad, husband, developer, geek. Founder of devWarsztaty – free workshops, for anyone who is willing to learn and practice software craftsmanship. Loves to play with novelties, learn new languages and libraries, avid conference attender, passionate about meeting new people, always willing to help.
Microsoft MVP.
Truly believes, that what he does, changes the world and helps others.

Jakub Pilimon

(Architektury Aplikacji | Java)
Jakub is Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, blogger, passionate programmer and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development and Spring. Being a microservice freak, architecture is his main area of interest too. When he does not program he rides motorbike, skis or grows his beard. Also, here is his DZone MVB awarded blog: pillopl.github.io

Joanna Lamch

Full breast coder, Microsoft fangir with iPad in hand, cat lady. Associated with the IT industry for many years, always around C # and Microsoft technology. A supporter of Defensive Coding, SOLID, learning through mentoring, self-development and DevOps culture. Community lover, supporting Gruba.IT, the Silesian Microsoft Group and Women in Technology Katowice. Blogger and speaker wannabe.

Dr Krzysztof Wojewodzic

Expert in the mobile market. Three applications that he co-created were downloaded by over 1 million people. He worked as a mobile consultant for companies such as the Boston Consulting Group (BCG). Visting professor at the Kozminski University. Author of the best-selling online courses, in which over 1000 participants took part. Editor of the GoMobi website (http://gomobi.pl/author/krzysztof-wojewodzic/) – president of Escola S.A.

Maciek Korsan

Frontend developer with a head full of ideas and over 15 years of experience in creating creative solutions for websites. Creator of the training WTF: What this frontend. He likes to mix art with code. Or code with art – he hasn’t decided yet. CSS and photography lover. Millennium Falcon Owner (for now only from Lego).

Marcin Szeliga

(Machine Learning)
Data Scientist working usually with SQL Server and Azure. Since 2006, he has been continuously awarded the title of Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, one of two Poles holding this title in the AI category. Speaker at many European conferences, such as Machine Learning Prague, Data Science Summit, SQLDay, 4 Developers, SQL Nexus, SQL Saturday, Sphere.it, Claudyna and Microsoft Technology Summit. Academic lecturer and author of books and articles on the Microsoft data platform, including the bestsellers Data Science and Machine Learning (WN PWN, IT Book of the Year 2018) and „Practical Machine Learning” (WN PWN). Co-author of „Microsoft AI MVP Book”.

Mariusz Gil

Software architect and trainer, associated with the IT industry for over 16 years. He is passionate about designing and implementing systems with complex business requirements, machine-learning and solutions that can be translated into real business value for the client. Speaker and event organizer for developers who want to improve their professional skills. Currently associated with Source Ministry and Bottega IT Minds, previously had the opportunity to work, inter alia, for Nasza-Klasa or Gadu-Gadu.

Mateusz Pusz

A software architect, principal engineer, and security champion with more than 15 years of experience in designing, writing and maintaining C++ code for fun and living. C++ consultant, trainer, conference speaker, and evangelist focused on Modern C++. His main areas of interest and expertise are code performance, low latency, stability, and security. Mateusz worked at Intel for 13 years, and now he is the head of the C++ Competency Center at EPAM Systems. He is also a founder of Train IT that provides dedicated C++ trainings and consultant services to corporations. Mateusz is a contributor and an active voting member of the ISO C++ Committee (WG21) where, together with the best C++ experts in the world, he shapes the future of the C++ language. He is also a co-chair of WG21 Study Group 14 (SG14) responsible for driving performance and low latency subjects in the Committee. In 2013 Mateusz won “Bench Games 2013” – worldwide competition in the C++ language knowledge.

Michał Bartyzel

(Soft Skills & Business Relations)
For ten years he has been dealing with the topic of the effectiveness of programming teams. He works on improving the architecture of the application and its refactoring as well as on improving the cooperation between the so-called business and development teams. He has worked over five hundred training and consulting days with the best programming teams in Poland. He concluded that linguistic skills were the key to Software Craftsmanship. This is true both in the area of cooperation with business and the work of the programmer, which shows in the pieces of training he develop in the field of refactoring, working with code and architecture. He included many of the techniques that he has developed in his book „Tailored Software. How to talk to a customer who does not know what he wants”. He is sharing techniques that he currently works on at numerous conferences, his blog and „Magazyn Programista” magazine.

Piotr Stapp

Programmer, engineer, craftsman, designer and cyclist, and Microsoft MVP. He uses every technology that leads to the goal. He believes in people and not in papers. He creates and designs software, but sometimes it is difficult.

Piotr Wicherski

Mobile QA and accidentally certified software tester, also a great enthusiast for all kind of mobile devices and mobile operating systems. In the mobile world since 2008. Mentor, speaker and organizer at software testing events. Board advisor of Polish Testing Board (SJSI) and lecturer for Mobile Apps Testing at Vistula University.

Radek Smilgin

An expert in software quality control and assurance, entrepreneur and trainer with over 15 years of experience. He gained his testament skills abroad, working on building and verification security-critical systems. In his work, he combines two test schools – formal and exploratory testing. The originator and organizer of the Software Testing Championships – TestingCup and author of the book for beginner testers, „Profession Tester”. He shares his knowledge and experience on the testerzy.pl portal and on many, both open and closed, lectures in the country and abroad.

Sławomir Sobótka

(Architektury Aplikacji | Bottega Innovation Labs)
He is a trainer and consultant at Bottega IT Minds. In everyday work, he integrates Domain Driven Design, Event Storming, architectural styles, agile manufacturing processes and common sense. He applies the overarching principle: recognize the problem class we are dealing with and choose the right tool class for it. His hobbies are positive psychology and cognitive science. He likes to think of himself as a Software Craftsmanship enthusiast.

Tomasz Ducin

(Bottega Frontend)
Independent Consultant, Architect and a Developer. Your JavaScript world guide. Speaker at European and Polish conferences. A trainer with passion to explain how things work and to avoid overcomplicated solutions, as well as making unnecessary decisions. A critic of buzzwords and overexcitement around certain tools. Concentrated on solving organizational and technical project issues. Loves working with people.Ex-theatre actor. 4 espressos a day.

Tomasz Tarczyńsk

Systems architect and Ops technical lead at Gigaset where the team builds a cloud native backend platform for a smart home system. Focused on shortening delivery times with adoption of DevOps culture, automation and measurements. Especially interested in the cloud native approach to engineering applications and infrastructure. Organizer of the DevOps Wrocław Meetup group and the Cloud Native Warsaw conference.