Jakub Gutkowski, Piotr Stapp
We are looking for war-stories, meaning something that the speaker has experienced, them. This is our thing. Secondly, we look at interesting cross-sectional topics that deal with patterns, architectural styles and other interesting aspects of .net programming that have a deeper meaning and do not go with the wind. Then interesting tools that can help and support us in our daily work – for example, convention tests using a special tool for dotnet that allows you to do this. Finally, libraries and frameworks.
Arch App Track
Jakub Pilimon, Sławek Sobótka
We are looking for topics in which it is immediately known what the participant will learn and what he must already know. If you have a general and cross-sectional topic, write what decisions we will be able to make better thanks to this presentation.
If you have a tool topic, write what problem or what purpose we can specifically address after this presentation.
Soft Skills & Business Relations Track
Anita Przybył, Michał Bartyzel
Soft skills and building relationships in business – made differently.
The last year has shown that we live in very uncertain times. Therefore, we need new skills, innovative solutions and a fresh approach in how we do our work. This year, we focus on soft skills and building business relationships in the rebel style. We are looking for new, bold and experimental methods of cooperation between people and with clients. Even if you’ve used a method only once, but it presents a whole new way of thinking, we’re interested in it.
Surprise us and other participants of the 4Developers 2021 conference and join the rebellion!
The last year has shown that we live in very uncertain times. Therefore, we need new skills, innovative solutions and a fresh approach in how we do our work. This year, we focus on soft skills and building business relationships in the rebel style. We are looking for new, bold and experimental methods of cooperation between people and with clients. Even if you’ve used a method only once, but it presents a whole new way of thinking, we’re interested in it.
Surprise us and other participants of the 4Developers 2021 conference and join the rebellion!
Testing Track
Piotr Wicherski, Przemysław Libudzic
We invite everyone who wants to share their experience / project / failures / successes / thoughts on software testing. Beginner to Advanced. We will fully support you in the preparations for the lecture.
Cloud Track
Damian Mazurek, Paweł Fiderek
The topics we will focus on during this year’s edition:
- Public cloud
- Hybrid cloud
- Multicloud
- IaaS
- IoT / Edge computing
- Data processing
- Security
- Serverless
PHP Track
Tomasz Kowalczyk
My suggestion for the theme of next year’s PHP track is „better tomorrow in your project”. By that, I mean practical ways to get out of current problems in existing projects from people who have done it. Many people are stuck in projects where nothing changes, because no one has enough knowledge, experience (or courage) to change something that has been working for years. Such people come to conferences, see all these shiny new tools, but have no way of filling this gap between their own projects and the „brave new world”. Thanks to this approach, we can show any topic from the perspective of the way that the speakers’ projects have gone through. Instead of talking once again about a given tool, let the speaker show the path he has traveled with it himself, the more „flesh”, the better. Of course, we will keep the balance, i.e. there will certainly be proposals about PHP8, testing, frameworks, etc., but it would be interesting if the speakers showed the topic from the above-mentioned prospects.
Java Track
Grzegorz Piwowarek, Krzysztof Przygudzki
We are looking for topics that are related to the entire JVM ecosystem. They may concern, for example, news in the language, trivia, performance, frameworks or good practices. Due to the fact that 4Developers combines many technologies, it would be good if the topics were potentially interesting for a wide audience, but this does not mean that niche topics are crossed out in advance. We just have to keep the right balance when arranging the agenda.
Maciek Korsan, Hubert Zub
We invite you to submit your talks related to any topic related to JavaScript – both those related to the browser, and those related to the backend and node.js! This year and the coming year, the new hot topics seem to be WebAssembly, Micro-frontends, JS in the cloud, (Dev) Ops from Node.js. Also, the so far dominant topics such as TypeScript and GraphQL are still very hot, and it does not seem to stop ;). We encourage you to submit lectures on both the above-mentioned and any other topics.
Frontend / UI
Maciek Korsan
When it comes to the new Frontend / UI track, we would like to hear about system design, accessibility, methods for improving work on the design line – developers, Figma / XD plugins, cosmic use of variables in CSS – generally about everything related to the frontend in the browser, and not necessarily another JS framework
If you are not sure whether your presentation should be directed more to the Frontend or JavaScript track, go ahead and send any of them – we will try to match the rest and provide feedback.
If you are not sure whether your presentation should be directed more to the Frontend or JavaScript track, go ahead and send any of them – we will try to match the rest and provide feedback.
DevOps Track
Tomasz Tarczyński, Dawid Ziółkowski
During this edition of the DevOps track, we would like to see proposals in the following areas:
- Cloud Native systems, Microservices, Kubernetes, Containers, Serverless
- Configuration Management, Infrastructure as Code, Automation
- DevOps culture
- Site Reliability Engineering
- Observability, measurements, monitoring
- Measuring DevOps success, quantifying productivity, failure, and risk metrics
- Be concise, but on the other hand, be specific and detailed. (e.g. 20 or so lines should be good)
- What exactly will someone get out of this talk?
- Multiple entries are welcome.
- No “vendor talks” – we don’t allow talks that are product pitches.
Joanna Lamch, Dr Krzysztof Wojewodzic
The Mobile track has to show the multidisciplinary nature of the 4Developers Festival. We want developers to learn from each other, also in the cross-platform way, and take out from not-mobile experiences as well. That’s why we build this agenda as wide as it’s possible – every language, every platform, every experience counts!
Machine Learning
Marcin Szeliga
We’re looking for sessions that describe AI/ML/DL projects. Present to us the projects that you have worked on – and, what is important, not only these that have been succeeded. We’re also very interested in sessions about your every-day tools, platforms and machine learning libraries – especially if you can share the advice about effective using of them. We don’t limit the topic area and the level of submissions.