FAQ Category: faq en

4Developers - Interdyscyplinarny Festiwal IT dla Programistów

Are all the lectures held in Polish?

The festival is now changing for the better and gaining an international character – the agenda may include lectures in English.

How can I rate and comment on lectures?

You can rate and comment on lectures via the Eventory app. All you need to do is to enter the topic of the selected lecture or the name of the Speaker.

Will the lectures be available after the conference?

Yes. Lectures of speakers who have agreed to publish their presentations will be available on the eventory platform for one month after the conference.

How can I contact other participants and speakers?

You can contact conference participants and speakers using the direct messenger in the Eventory app, which also allows you to make appointments.

Will there be lunch for participants at the conference?

No. We do not provide meals to participants during the online event.

Who should I contact if I have questions?

If you have any questions, please contact Aleksandra Miśtak (aleksandra.mistak@proidea.org.pl // +48 506 689 503)

Who is organizing 4Dev LIVE 2021?

The organizer of 4Dev LIVE 2021 is PROIDEA – a company dealing with the production and comprehensive organization of Polish and international events. We specialize in events from the IT/tech industry, and we actively work to develop this market in Central and Eastern Europe. During the 16 years of our activity, we have gained the…
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